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The Earth-tied mankind

The human race has a continuous desire for exploration and discovery, and space is included in this desire. Besides the indirect, instr...

The human race has a continuous desire for exploration and discovery, and space is included in this desire. Besides the indirect, instrumental exploration, we want to be present personally, and not just to explore but to live in space, by making it habitable. This desire will not be fulfilled for the biological human.

The man has put his foot on the moon and permanently inhabited the space around the Earth for some time. Soon any tourist will be able to experience space, and plans for landing on Mars are on the table as well. However, these experiments are nothing more than humans racing against each other. These explorations are to satisfy curiosity itself.

Mankind's personal conquest of outer space is a consequence of scientific and technical research and development. This is not just the engine of technological progress, but the goal as well. We imagine the future of mankind in outer space. This goal, however, leads us in the wrong direction. It is a futile effort.

The humankind is a biological being, formed on Earth, and the Earth's environment is capable of providing the necessary elements for living. Only a small part of these elements are necessary for biological existence, but to be able to persist as not just individuals but as a species in space, it is necessary to create a much more complex environment than one, which capable only of sustaining biological life. Space is an alien environment for a human, and even more alien to the human race to survive in. And if it is not our goal to live in space, but rather to reach an alien planet through space, it would still take too long for us to survive in space while reaching this new planet.

The panspermia theory is a possible solution to disseminate life in the universe, but to spread a conscious, intelligent life this way, it is necessary to go through the steps of evolution. There seems to be no viable way to bypass this.

How is it possible to conquer space then? Can mankind conquer it at all? It cannot conquer it as a biological being. Men can only conquer space if we give up all the Earth-bounded biological and social life which we have.

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