Are geomagnetic reversal and the quasi-periodic atmospheric oscillation caused by the same effect?
Geomagnetic reversal A geomagnetic reversal is a change in a planet's magneti...
Geomagnetic reversal A geomagnetic reversal is a change in a planet's magneti...
We, the human are weak. There are many stronger, faster animals on this Earth. And still, we rule this planet. This is due to our intell...
The well-known sentence of Genesis 3.19 says: "For you were made from dust, and to dust, you will return." According to the...
The biggest mystery of nature has to do with that which is always with us, working for us, and making us who we are. It is our functioni...
What is the ultimate state, what is the highest level of matter? We might know the answer to these questions, because we may be in this...
We, the human, are the ruler of the Earth. We are at the top of the evolutionary ladder, we are the top predator, and our position is no...
We, the human, are intelligent. We thought that this is one of the abilities that make us different from other species. However, more an...
We always wanted to know if there are other planets where circumstances can exist as on our planet. As our telescopes and sensors are ge...
If God exists, how would he send a message to us? How would he send a message not revealing himself, without showing himself physically?...
Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is the most important area in technical development. Artificial intelligence helps us in more and ...
It was an earlier post about a challenge : Build a house which - has utility connection only to the water and the sewage - comfortab...
In a thought before, about free will , was the conclusion that even if no absolute free will exists, still what we feel as the will is ou...
The universe came from nothing - this is how today's cosmologists describe our universe's origin. Why do they think that the uni...
Now we know, the matter what we see, all the planets, stars, galaxies and everything between them, and the matter what we are built ...
The gap between the people, those who are accepting, and those who are denying God's existence newer was bigger. This gap even growi...