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Three-dimensional space and the grid theory

Why our universe has three space dimensions? It is a real question because the universe could be other than three-dimensional or at leas...

Why our universe has three space dimensions? It is a real question because the universe could be other than three-dimensional or at least mathematically possible to bear less or more dimensions. Somehow must be a natural reason to answer this question.

There are theories, different approaches to answering this question. Maybe our universe just happens to be three dimensional, could be different, and maybe there are other worlds, which exist too, with different than three space dimensions. We see our universe has three dimensions because we live in this universe and not in another, with other than three space dimensions.

Alternatively, our universe has more than three dimensions as well, but we cannot see them because they are too small. String theory explains the dimension question this way. The string theory requires more than three dimensions to exist. Why we experience three dimensions then? Because all the others are unnoticeable small, curled up or just unfolded dimensions and some kind of physical or random process selected three of them to expand and become to be our space. This approach is a kind of arbitrary. It does not have theoretical bases, at least yet, to explain the three dimensions problem.

The grid theory may have a way to answer the three dimensions problem. According to the grid theory, a grid field exists which is created by grid particles. The localized grid particles are vibrating in several degrees of freedom in its place, the grid field practically a kind of solid system. The grid particles' high-frequency unsynchronized vibration can turn locally to synchronized vibrations, to structured vibration patterns, to wave-forms. The structured vibration pattern, the wave can exist only in three dimensions, because stable structures can exist only in three dimensions. According to the grid theory, these three-dimensional structures are the particles, in conclusion, everything exists in three-dimensional form.

The grid theory may give a natural answer to why everything is three-dimensional. However still needs to explain why space, the place where everything exists is three-dimensional. Three-dimensional objects can exist in more than three-dimensional space. Why we can move only in three different directions if the grid particles vibrate more than three degrees of freedom? A possible explanation can be the virtual particles.

According to today's theories of physics, the virtual particles are phantom structures, cannot be seen directly but they have direct physical effects. Real particles can create them, this is how we can measure their effect; virtual particles surround the real particles, modifying their physical properties. Even most of the matter is these virtual particles. However, not just the real particles create virtual particles, they are there everywhere.

In quantum physics, the vacuum, the empty space is a dynamic structure; the vacuum is like foam and filled with virtual particles. However, the quantum theory gives no real answer to why the vacuum behaves like that. Its answer is that the uncertainty law allows the virtual particles to exist by borrowing energy from the vacuum as long as it is under the uncertainty limit, as the vacuum has hidden energy.

The grid theory may give an answer to why happening this way. In the grid theory, the grid particles can create synchronized vibrations patterns spontaneously. However, these spontaneous synchronizations are only short-lived, desynchronization occurs almost at once. In the grid theory, this is what the quantum theory calls vacuum foam. And this approach may give the answer to why space is three-dimensional as well. Because these spontaneous synchronized vibrations can exist only in three dimensions as well, these short-lived spontaneous synchronized vibrations create the scene, create the place where the real world particles can exist. These short-term spontaneous synchronized waves create the three-dimensional space, the space of our universe.

According to the grid model, virtual particles keep the three dimensions of space stretched. Another question, however, if the grid space would allow more than three space dimensions, why is the same three space dimensions always stretched? Perhaps the answer to this may be the circumstances of the Big Bang, the birth of our universe.

The speculative grid model defines the Big Bang as the phase transition of the grid space. The grid space before the Big Bang was in a synchronized quantum state. The Big Bang in the grid model corresponds to the de-synchronization of the grid space. During de-synchronization, the quantum state of the entire grid space collapses and the grid particles select a random but the same specific physical characteristics, similar to the collapse of the quantum mechanical wavefunction. This collapse, this inclusion of specific physical characteristics, would determine the physical parameters of the emerging universe, including the actual physical dimensions of the universe. Once the parameters have been selected, it continues to live the rest of the universe's life based on these parameters as the actual physical dimensions fixedly define the space in which the physical interactions take place.

According to the grid model, the universe in which we live is one of a series of possible universes.

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