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The working method of the superior mind for cooperation - God hypothesis III.

 A logical, necessary objective of a superior mind  is to guide a subordinate mind  towards achieving the level of superior mind for enablin...

 A logical, necessary objective of a superior mind is to guide a subordinate mind towards achieving the level of superior mind for enabling it to be able to make direct contact with other minds for the purpose of safe cooperation.

The mind is a consequence of the development of the living state, and therefore the superior mind, for the purpose of nurturing other minds, may even participate in the development and evolution of life and mind.

In what way can a superior mind protect the existence of a formed but subordinate mind, and how can it support the mind's progress toward becoming a superior mind? In what manner can a relationship between a superior mind and a subordinate mind exist?

Stable and mutually beneficial relationships between entities with consciousness, without posing a threat to one another, can only exist at the level of the superior mind. Thus, in order to foster the development of the mind, the superior mind must refrain from revealing its true nature to the subordinate mind.

A superior mind, by the knowledge it has acquired in the course of its potentially unlimited existence, by the level of intelligence it has attained, can be capable of abilities that are incomprehensible, inexplicable, and seem supernatural to the subordinate mind. The superior mind, in assisting the progress of the evolution of a subordinate mind, is able to use its knowledge to avoid mutual contact with the other mind, and is able to remain hidden in its reality while performing the task of assisting the progress of the subordinate mind.

What form can this hidden relationship between a superior mind and a subordinate mind take? How can the connection between different levels of mind be established to help the subordinate mind reach the level of the superior mind? In what way can a superior mind influence a subordinate mind so that the superior mind does not endanger the existence of the subordinate mind?

Certainly, the transfer of scientific and technical knowledge cannot be the domain of influencing a subordinate mind. The level of scientific and technical knowledge does not directly determine the way in which an organism with the mind behaves, as we humans can experience this in our own behavior. The level of scientific and technical knowledge of a mind bearing organisation should not be influenced by external factors. If the organisation does not follow its own developmental path in accumulating and utilizing its own knowledge at its own developmental pace, this definitely could lead to risks its existence.

Certainly, a superior mind should not compel a subordinate mind to carry out actions against its own volition. Forcing an organism with a mind to act against its will using external intention by force is improper, as it could jeopardize its survival. Every living being possesses its own independent will, which must not be forcefully influenced from external sources. All conscious beings can only function optimally and without endangering their existence when allowed to act according to their own volition

The superior level of intellect essentially does not mean the proper level of possession of knowledge, but rather it means the proper form of behavior-determining intentions of the organism with the mind, which is to enable sustainable cooperation with other minds

What can be the method of collaboration between a superior and subordinate mind to shape the intentions and behavior of the subordinate mind? How can the form of the interaction be appropriately designed so that the intellect of the subordinate mind can be reasonably influenced?

Consequent to the aforementioned, the subordinate mind's influence must be concealed in a manner to prevent the transmission of knowledge and must be indirectly influenced by the superior mind's intentions as an external volition.

The superior mind certainly could purposefully produce natural phenomena to achieve its goal of influence, which cannot be explained to the subordinate mind by the knowledge available to it. The form of influence must have the capability to create complex and sophisticated concepts that determine behavior, but this possible approach has difficulties for conveying complex ideas, and it is only effective as long as the superior mind's true role is concealed from the subordinate mind. The subordinate mind must not comprehend the actual source of the phenomena for this method to be effective.

In fact, expressing thoughts clearly is the optimal approach for communicating intricate concepts. When attempting to communicate behavioral determining concepts, the superior mind must provide ideas to the subordinate mind, while keeping its personal reality concealed.

We humans can only know our own minds, and even our ability to comprehend other humans' minds is limited. Language serves as a tool for persuasion, allowing us to convey concepts shaped by our own ideas to other people.

However, this method requires direct contact. A superior mind cannot reveal itself for the application of this form of persuasion. It is therefore the possible way for a superior mind with the appropriate knowledge to influence humanity as it is in a state of a subordinate mind, is to modify the consciousness of suitable people, which can influence the thoughts of that person, by which become possible to determine the person’s actions, which then potentially allows the mind of all humanity to be shaped by means of debate and persuasion by those people, while the superior mind can remain in the background in its activities.

For humanity, any supreme entity that may exist can possibly operate through individual humans, specifically those who are suitable for the task, while the acting superior mind can remain in the background in reality. The superior mind solely and exclusively works through the unique actions of individual human beings.

Influencing society's behavior as a whole can be accomplished by changing the minds of some specific individuals. There are several methods of altering an individual's consciousness. Directly influencing the brain by possessing the appropriate knowledge is one approach, but given the brain's intricate complexity, it is far more practical to operate indirectly. This can be achieved by mediating appropriate memories with suitable experiences.

The superior mind could properly influence the consciousness of the appropriate people to achieve the expected goals through suitable experiences, either imagined or real.

In the case of humanity, the working instrument of the superior mind is the individual human being, and its working method is to indirectly influence the consciousness of that individual from the background to achieve the modification of the behavior of the entire society to recognise the value of the mind, and achieve to act for protecting it, and hence, ultimately to reach the level of the superior mind.

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