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Human-sphere: the living state of the human environment

 The creation of the human-sphere as a living organism is the destiny and future of humanity, the way and the hope for humanity's surviv...

 The creation of the human-sphere as a living organism is the destiny and future of humanity, the way and the hope for humanity's survival. 

Every living system necessarily uses the resources in its environment to maintain its persistent structure. By doing so, life also consumes the resources of its environment, i.e. it transforms its environment into a form that can no longer be used as a resource. When a living system depletes the resources in its environment that it needs to maintain its structure, life enters the state of crisis. 

If life, through evolution, through the process of adaptation that is characteristic of living systems, is unable to find new mechanisms of operation to utilize what is available in the environment as a resource, then the crisis leads to the disintegration of the living system, to the death of the living organism.

This obvious inevitability applies to all forms of living state, and to all levels of life, whether it is a biological entity, social group, species, or the whole biosphere. 

In all levels, all forms of living organisms on Earth already have been in crisis. Crisis is a normal state of life. Even the entire Earth's biosphere has also been in a state of crisis, for example, when it led to the formation of the snowball Earth. Then biological life found the way out of the crisis through evolution and with the help of geological factors. Despite occasional crises, the biosphere is still able to function as a persistent dynamic structure in the entropic environment. 

The stability of the dynamic structure of the Earth's biosphere is now once again under threat, this time because of human activity. Humans are constantly disrupting the balance of the living environment in the local habitat of human communities, and even a crisis of the biosphere is already emerging at the global level due to human activity. 

Human society, as a living system, is itself also in crisis. Humans utilize the resources of their environment through their intelligence, faster than the speed of crisis-less adaptation. Partly because of the human impact on the natural environment and partly because of its action on itself as a social environment, human society regularly, almost constantly, struggles with crises of its own living state. 

Until now, however, humanity, also with the help of human intelligence, through directed evolution has been able to find a way to use what is actually available in the environment as a resource to sustain its state of life.

Human society, as a living system, is constantly confronted with crises, and finds the solution by human intelligence, which also leads to the progression of the human race, i.e. leads to an increase in its complexity. In the course of this advancement, mankind is constantly consuming and exhausting the environmental resources it is using while transforming its ecosystem.  

However, the human ecosystem is a part of the entire Earth's biosphere, an organic part of a complex interconnected living organism. Human activity transforms this complex environment. This transformation by intelligent evolution cannot be cooperated without a crisis in the system of the living biosphere, which adapts by biological evolution. Human activity causes the natural Earth ecosystem to become unbalanced, creating an out of equilibrium state, i.e. it causes the biosphere to become sick. 

Humanity is a disease of the biosphere through human activity. However, if humanity can maintain its living state, by fighting crises through intelligent evolution, human activity will ultimately transform the biosphere created by biological evolution. 

The speed of biological evolution is not sufficient to keep pace with the changes in the environment generated by human activity, so ultimately only the part of biological systems which is in equilibrium with human society can survive. And this transformation can eventually create a new dynamic structure that is persistently stable in the entropic environment, a new living state, the human-sphere that is not based on natural biological evolution

Human driven directed intelligent evolution in the human-sphere will eventually take over the role of biological evolution in part and might in the whole. 

Human activity, even the presence of humans, already creates organisms and species that do not exist in the natural environment. In many cases, these lifeforms are also unable to survive in the natural environment without the presence of humans, they can only exist in the human biosphere, they can only survive by the help and in cooperation with intelligent evolution

The formation of the human-sphere began with the initial emergence of the human species, and necessarily, motivated by the crises of human society as a living state, the process is constantly ongoing

It is important to note that the creation of the human-sphere for the human species must be a conscious, purposeful activity, because the process involves risks and may lead to the extinction of the human species in times of crisis. 

For humanity to survive, it must be able to maintain its living state until it creates, instead of its current crisis motivated evolution due to the consumption of resources, but a new, persistently stable structure, which does not act as its own disease, but act as an intelligent driving force through directed evolution. This transition is an inevitable necessity for the permanent existence of humanity. 

When this happens, a new form of life emerges. This living state is the human-sphere, which, if sustained, will one day allow humankind to leave the environment of its birthplace, leave the Earth's biosphere, ultimately leave the Earth, and progress toward and extend the presence of humans, the living state of the human environment, the human-sphere, to other parts of the universe.

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