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Criticism of existing social systems

  Existing social systems are not optimal evolutionary systems . The existing social systems are not characterized as they bear collectively...

 Existing social systems are not optimal evolutionary systems. The existing social systems are not characterized as they bear collectively of the freedom of thought, unrestricted access to information, common regulation of actions, and rules that apply equally to all.

Because current social systems are not optimal evolutionary-based systems, their evolutionary adaptive capability is limited. Their non-optimal functioning necessarily leads to the accumulation of social tensions and social revolution. Current social systems are not revolution-free societies.

Meaning of social revolution in this sense:
Social revolution is the rapid release of accumulated tension in society. In the revolution, a large part of society turns against each other and/or against the leaders of society because of the accumulated social tension. Social revolution is not a classification, it is a phenomenon. The result of revolution is not a better or worse society.  

Social tension can arise in any society at any time. The inevitable, unforeseeable, continuous change in the social environment is a natural cause of the inevitable emergence of social tensions. The responsibility of social governance is to ensure that social tensions do not accumulate. 

There are currently two social forms and their different transitions:
Free society: based on the freedom of the individuals who make up society.
Authoritarianism (dictatorship): society is based on the control of the individuals who make up society. 

The current forms of social systems inevitably create polarizing societies that tend to reinforce social differences. This applies to free societies, authoritarian societies and societies with different transitions of those. 

Criticism of authoritarianism (dictatorship-based society) 

Authoritarianism is the authoritative (unrestricted and unquestionable in their actions) leadership of a society by a group or person. 

Authoritarianism is an evolutionary system (selection by fitness based on diversity), but it is not optimal because selection is not based on fitness for the natural environment, but based on an artificially created fitness dictated by authority. 

An authoritarian society functions effectively when the leader of the society is in possession of the right decisions, or is intellectually superior to the individuals in the society. 

The characteristics of authoritarianism:
Expropriation of power (power controls everything, but power controls only itself)
Expropriation of truth (influencing education, manipulating and monopolizing the media, suppressing opinions, restricting access to information)
Homogenization of society (positive selection of people in society with the right mindset defined by the authority of domination)

The criteria of a naturally self-sustaining authoritarianism is the continuous growth of wealth. If the vast majority of society gains in material wealth, social tensions do not accumulate despite the polarizing society. Sustainable authoritarianism is only possible if society continues to prosper (which is why dictatorships push for continuous growth).  

In the longer term, the constant growth of wealth requires a society-wide cooperation, but the operation of authority is not based on the reconciliation of the different interests of the members of society. For those members of society who, by free will, do not agree with the dictator, there is no method in authoritarianism for asserting dissent. Under the dictatorship, social deprivation is inevitable, which makes social cohesion impossible, and therefore inevitably leads to the polarization of society.

Since in authoritarianism the rightness of the dictator's control is not questionable, if the operation is not optimal, if the reduction of accumulated tensions is not done in a way that addresses the real origin of the tension, i.e. not solution-based, social tension will inevitably increase. In this case, an artificial suppression of accumulating tensions takes place. 

The maintenance of authoritarianism requires the unity of society as a whole, but at the same time it excludes it by its very nature and operation. Therefore, under authoritarianism, it is impossible for prosperity to increase steadily, and when society is reduced in material wealth, social tensions accumulate. 

Methods of defusing social tension in authoritarian societies (artificial methods of maintaining dictatorship):
Artificial manipulation of thinking: selective communication of information to suit authoritarianism (propaganda)
Creating artificial problems to relieve tension: external, internal enemy image
Artificial reduction of social deviance: exclusion of those who think differently from society
Active repression: marginalization of non-cooperators through coercion

Under non-optimal authoritarian social governance, social tensions inevitably accumulate, and the social order is only sustainable in the long term through processes leading to the disintegration of society. A dictatorship is an inadequate system for dealing with economic downturns in society, and it deals with weakening by increasing repression. 

The end of authoritarianism
The beneficiaries of an established dictatorship are existentially tied to and dependent on the dictatorship, while at the same time they have a decisive influence on the distribution of social wealth, determine the law and control the power structures. In an established dictatorship, the ruling class is existentially linked to the dictatorship and has an existential interest in its survival. The accumulated social tensions, due to the strong attachment to power, are suppressed by violence and can only be resolved by social revolution. 

The functioning of a dictatorship is necessarily linked to pressure and leads to social upheaval. The end of a dictatorship that controls society implies revolutionary change. 

The criticism of free society

The essence and basis of free society is the unrestricted freedom of opportunity for all members of society. Free society is therefore a society governed by majority domination. Since in today's free societies the primary basis of opportunity is money, therefore free society is the domination by those with majority of money.

A society is never composed only of people with equal opportunities, therefore the opportunities for the individuals who form the society are inherently different. Consequently, the free society inherently polarizes society. 

A free society is an evolutionary system (selection on diversity according to fitness), but it is not optimal because of the polarizing effect of artificial selection on the divergent value system of possibilities created by a society. 

A free society can only be sustained in the long term if the majority decision is always the right one. However, the majority decision is always protectionist, not in the interest of society as a whole, and is necessarily valid and therefore not guaranteed to be right. If majority decision-making does not solve the real problem, the free society leads to increased social tensions. 

In a free society, the social institution of democracy is the tool for defusing the tensions generated by social polarization, which is characterized by the guarantee of freedom of expression for the members of society and the election of the leaders of society by a majority vote.

In a free society, democracy as a method of defusing tension does not lead to a reduction in social polarization:
Freedom of expression does not lead to real solutions to problems. Freedom of speech rather increases the polarization of society, because it favors those who have more opportunities in the first place.
Free elections do not imply real solutions to problems, because they do not guarantee the selection of appropriate leaders. Freedom of expression without consequences leaves society open to manipulation (fake news problem), which leads to the election of populist leaders motivated by self-nomination and power as an objective. Free election as the current commonly used method of governing society is an inadequate method to fundamentally change social norms and reduce social polarization. Its maintenance is in the existential interest of those in power.

Solving the fake-news problem
The general freedom of expression that characterizes democratic systems leads to the spread and dissemination of false information. The problem is inherent in the way democracy works and is therefore a seemingly intractable problem for the system. However, the problem can be solved in a democracy through proper education. The solution is for the members of society to knowingly (in an educationally conditioned way) treat public information that any statement is opinion (not necessarily true information, and therefore questionable and requires to check) that does not come from the direct owner or producer of the information, or that is not the result of a majority decision of society. 

The very nature of a free society perpetuates polarizing social functions, even when the methods used to reduce social tensions are employed. 

The free society's solution to rising social tensions is generating and enforcing social tolerance. Tolerance is the instrument of the method of conditioning the acceptance of polarization in a free society, of raising the acceptance of polarization to a social level. The publicly represented goal of tolerance is of dealing and accepting social deviance. However, conditioning society to accept difference is a necessary tool for dealing with polarization as well in a free society, and it is the tool of preventing the accumulation of social tension. However, tolerance obviously an inadequate instrument for dealing with social tensions in the long term. 

A free, democratic society reinforces social polarization, and has no effective tools for the sustainable release of tensions. The classical democratic functioning of a free society leads to the disintegration of society. 

The actual social structures are polarizing social systems, leading to an increase in social disparities, which in the long term will lead to a revolution that shocks society or lead to the disintegration of society. 

A continuous oscillation between rejection and demand in the actual social systems currently in use can be observed, driven by the chaos resulting from the freedom of choice and by the repression governed by authoritarian rules. 

Depolarizing social operation is generally required to avoid the accumulation of social tensions. A depolarizing society (revolution-free society) is characterized by the ability of society to reduce the increase in the differences in power and opportunity between members of society that arise from the social changes that cause tensions. 

Freedom and power is not a goal, but a tool for the stability of society. 

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