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Beyond the cosmic inflation

The grid model suggests explanations to cosmological problems, where the cosmic inflation model or any of the current Big Bang model has ...

The grid model suggests explanations to cosmological problems, where the cosmic inflation model or any of the current Big Bang model has no established approach.

According to the grid model (see: the label Grid model), our universe exists on a grid field, space itself consists of an ordered (solid) structure of Planck size particles. The structure is the grid field, and the particles are the grid particles. This solid structure is empty space. The grid particles' vibrations affect the structure. Our regular matter, the standard particles exist on this grid structure as waves, as manifestations of synchronized vibrations of the grid particles. In the grid model, the neighboring grid particles' high-frequency asynchronous vibrations can transform to synchronized vibrations, form local structured vibration patterns, waveforms. These waveforms eventually are the standard particles. These waveforms are what we empirically experience in the space; these are the things that exist for us. According to the grid model, the synchronously vibrating grid particles are closer to each other than those, where the vibrations are not synchronized. Thus, the synchronously vibrating grid particles distort the structure of the grid field, distort the space, and create the effect of gravity. Other forces and fields of the standard model are manifested by the patterns of the synchronous vibrations.

The low entropy initial state 

The universe started highly ordered at the Big Bang. This highly ordered initial state provided the engine for all other changes in our universe. Scientists describe this orderliness by a descriptive property called entropy. In a complex, closed system's natural evolution, the change of the orderliness has a consequent direction, called the arrow of time. Our universe has this evolutionary direction, starting from a highly ordered initial state. No current cosmological model can explain this low entropy state of the universe.

The grid model might provide an explanation for the special initial state. According to the grid model, space was always present in the continuous evolution of the universe. The grid model utilizes the grid particles' vibration as the fundamental method forming all the structures of our universe, starting from the standard elementary particles. On these theoretical foundations, the grid model allows a global, synchronously vibrating quantum state to exist. That is a possible state of the universe. The whole universe can be a kind of global Bose-Einstein condensate in the grid model, which is a highly ordered state. This state then can act as a low entropy initial state of the Big Bang.

Origin of the Big Bang

The grid model might suggest a process of how the special, low entropy initial state formed. According to our current view, as the universe evolves, all the differences in the universe smooth-out, and all the changes cease in the final stage. This phase ultimately leads to and finishes in a featureless state. If the grid model is a valid approach, this featureless final state could lead to or may act as a globally synchronized quantum state of the grid field, an allowed and predicted state of the universe in the grid model. The global synchronous quantum state can be then a new starting point and could initiate a new cycle, a new Big Bang, from where the universe starts again. The grid model suggests a cyclic type universe, a linear instead of a parallel multiverse.

The tuning problem

Our universe has special settings of its physical constants. If the values of these physical properties would be a little different, then our whole universe would be a much different place than it is. This special setting requires an explanation of how it did arise.

The grid model predicts a cyclic type multiverse. In every cycle, a new universe starts. At the starting point, the global synchronous quantum state of the grid field could convert to a potentially unique new state. By the grid field's phase transition, a global, yet unique vibration mode, a new, unique, global physical setting of the grid particles could emerge. If the setting, the realized physical properties of the grid particles lead to a long-existing, feature-rich universe, it might create self-aware consciousness, with the questions of how and why. The realized physical setting could lead to a short living or less capable universe too, yet the cycles would go on. The grid model allows that the universes in the cycles have different physical constants with a common future: ultimately, all the realized universes will recycle.

The energy of the Big Bang

The origin of the energy, which created our universe, is unknown. There are speculative theories to explain the Big Bang, even that the event is created from nothing, according to the zero-energy universe theorem (wisely concealing what is that nothing and how a nothing can become something). Yet, these theories instead of presenting a generic approach, introduce new and new properties to explain newly observed behaviors.

The grid model might provide a generic approach to the Big Bang, and provide an explainable foundation to the zero-energy universe theory.

The energy of the Big Bang is a natural consequence of the grid model. According to the grid model, the Big Bang was a global phase change of the grid field. Phase change always comes with a different energy level of the new state. In the grid model, a global, synchronized quantum field converts to an asynchronous state. This phase change would release energy. Because of the global phase change, the Big Bang occurs in the whole space in the grid model, instead of starting the space from a point. Because the initial state is a global, synchronous quantum state, the phase transition can occur instantly on the whole field and would release energy in all the space, not just at a point, as the current Big Bang model suggests.

The phase change, the conversion from a globally synchronized vibration to an asynchronous vibration of the grid particles releases energy, thus create high temperature, and pressure in the space, as a whole. After the phase change, synchronous vibrations would form in localized areas on the grid field, i.e. standard particles would form, absorbing parts of the released energy, converting it to our regular matter.

After the energy-matter conversion, the events would follow the current view of the universe's evolution. When the energy density falls below the threshold of the particle creation, this process stops, conserving the remaining matter, which did not annihilate with its antiparticle pair. The grid model might have an explanation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry too.

Relative zero energy content of the universe 

A zero-energy hypothesis can be deducted from the grid model. According to the grid model, our universe would not be an absolute zero energy universe; the universe does not come from nothing.

According to the grid model, our universe started from a globally synchronous state of the grid field, at the energy level of that state. This energy level acts as the zero-energy level of our universe. It is a relative zero level instead of absolute nothingness. From this state, a phase transition occurs, the synchronous state turns to asynchronous, and the process releases energy, the Big Bang occurs.

Space expansion 

The synchronous-asynchronous transformation would expand the grid field, would stretch out space as asynchronous vibration would distance, move farther the grid particles from each other. This stretch is not the classical space creation, as it is in the current view of the Big Bang, instead, it would be a quick, yet gradual stretch of an existing space.


Then, local synchronicities, stable waves, structures form on the asynchronous field. These local structures are the standard particles, which, in a local region, convert back the grid field to a synchronous state. Asynchrony turns to synchronicity, locally. Because synchronicity let the grid particles to be closer, local negative stretches form on the asynchronous grid field. From an outside spectator's view, it looks like the energy becomes matter. The local stretch of the grid field is then what we would experience as gravity. The effect, which appears as gravity lowers the asynchronous state's available energy level. Creating this local stretch, the gravity appears as negative energy compared to the asynchronous grid field's energy, properly corresponding to the current view of the gravity's role in the universe.

The zero-energy universe becomes a relative zero model in the grid approach. A spontaneous transformation converts the synchronous grid field to a new, asynchronous state, releasing energy in the cost of turning synchronized, low entropy state to asynchronous, high entropy state. However, the lower energy state, the asynchronous state is not the stable state of the system. The stable state is the synchronous state. The unstable state, our experienced universe must turn back to its stable, synchronized state, consuming all the released energy of the phase transition.

The grid field is a specific type of material, where the low entropy, higher energy state, the synchronized state is the stable state, which can turn spontaneously into lower energy, yet an unstable state, creating the Big Bang.

According to the physical constants created by the Big Bang, according to the lifespan of the created universe, sooner or later, the grid field turns back to its stable, synchronous state. It turns all the local structures, everything that our experienced universe is, back to a globally synchronous state. This transformation wipes everything that existed to a special nothingness, to synchronicity. Then, it starts a new cycle, a new something again by turning into global asynchrony and creating local synchronicity. This is the meaning of the something-from-nothing, the zero-energy universe in the grid model.

Energy conservation 

In the grid model, the foundation of the physical reality is a solid structure, the grid field, a kind of closed system. It is the "everything" in the grid model. Nothing of our physical reality is outside of this system. In any closed system, energy conservation is a fundamental law of the system.

According to our current view, our universe started from the Big Bang. Nothing existed before. The energy conservation in that model is calculated through the zero-energy universe hypotheses. This approach can fulfill the energy conservation requirement by not questioning the energy conservation before the Big Bang and postulates, that positive and negative energy are equivalent in our universe. However, the "something" from the zero energy nothingness raises - even philosophically - yet unanswered questions.

In the grid model, the universe is a cycle of the states of a constant continuum. The universe is a realized manifestation of a something, of a system, the manifestation of the grid field. Since the existence of the grid field, energy conservation is a valid law of the system, as it was described in the relative zero energy discussion of the grid field. The question of the origin of what the grid model raises goes back to the existence of the grid field. That is a similar fundamental question as the origin of the Big Bang, but at least it would direct back to a deeper level, toward a yet hypothetical and assumed, but a deeper physical reality.

As it was described, the speculative grid model can provide explanations to the formerly not understood properties of the universe. However, some properties, which are natural consequences of the current Big Bang theory, need to be explained in the grid model. 

The observed expansion of the space

We have solid evidence that our universe is expanding. Everything, which is not bounded by local forces, is distancing away from each other. Scientists explain it as space, whatever it is, expanding, and creating a moving away effect on the things placed in the space. The expansion of the universe is an unquestionable fact of our physical reality.

According to our current view, space is born in the Big Bang, and since then, space is expanding by stretching or by extending.

The grid model has a physical fundament of all of its existence. It is the grid field, which is a solid structure. According to the grid model, space did not born in the Big Bang, it has existed before. The moment of the Big Bang was a phase transition of the existing space.

How a solid structure, the grid field could expand in a way in which we experience it today by observing our universe?

The initial expansion, the inflation: initial exponential expansion, the inflation right after the Big Bang, did not occur in the grid model. A quantum phase transition happens, which could be a constant conversion to a new state. It could be viewed, wrongly, as an exponential expansion of the space. In reality, it is an extension of a new state into its new physical appearance. The real process is not a space expansion, instead of a close to instant space transformation.

Consequent expansion: after the phase change, after the Big Bang, the grid particles' synchronous vibration converts to an asynchronous vibration in the grid model. This global change of synchronicity changes the distance of the grid particles from each other. The asynchronously vibrating grid particles require more distance from each other. Space expands after the Big Bang because of the end of the synchronicity.

This expansion in the grid model would create a gradual expansion. This expansion, like a shock wave, is able to expand the whole structure of the grid field, and create an expanding momentum on the field. The created asynchronous state can create a global expansion effect, which can last by the expansion's momentum. This could be the effect, that we can see today as the universe expands.

The global expansion would be a momentary effect on the grid field. It should cease, as the universe gets older. If the grid model is valid, then the gradual expansion must finish. Not because of the effect of the gravity, but because of the ceasing effect of the expansion momentum. The expansion continues until the grid field reaches equilibrium. Because our universe still young, the expansion effect is yet present.

The global expansion could even create complex expansion waves on the grid field, according to the solid mechanics. Because of the possible expansion waves, we should see expansion patterns, even accelerating expansion in some areas. If we would see that the general expansion is slowing, and we would see patterns of different expansion rates in local cosmic areas, that would be supporting evidence of the grid model.

The role of the gravity 

According to our current view, gravity is a fundamental, determining factor in the life of the universe. Gravity shapes and forms it, and it has an effect on its lifespan. Gravity has a global, determining role for the universe.

The grid model offers a different view of the gravity ( see the label gravity ). According to the grid model, agreeing with the general relativity, gravity is not a force, it is the torsion of the space (torsion of the space-time in general relativity) by the effect of the energy (which can be manifested as matter too).

According to the grid model, and in distinction from general relativity, because of the grid model's described space approach, gravity cannot be a fundamental, determining factor of the universe. It has a localized cause, its effect even if it is not localized and able to reach to infinity, it is a given value of a whole. Gravity can change its distribution in the universe as the matter moves in space. However, its overall values do not change, and hence its effect on the universe as a whole is not determining. It can determine how the matter moves in space and determine its distribution, its overall effect for the whole universe is not determining.

In extreme cases, in extreme matter concentration, its effect can be extreme, like in the case of the black holes. However, these cases are localized situations. These extreme cases can create extreme properties, yet these are localized events. The grid model even offers an explanation to these extremities.


We see that the cosmic microwave background radiation, the temperature of the universe is 2.7 Kelvin. We have evidence, like the hydrogen-helium ratio, that our universe was hotter before. Our universe is continuously cooling since the Big Bang.

The current cosmic model explains this cooling with the expansion of the space.

According to the grid model, the universe is a closed system of the grid field. The phase transition of the grid field, the Big Bang released a big amount of energy. How can a closed system loose energy, to explain the observed cooling?

The grid model has a cooling mechanism and endothermic processes. The conversion of the energy to matter is the endothermic process. The grid model's consequent, gradual, still present expansion is the cooling mechanism. In the long run, these processes would create an equilibrium on the grid field, and the cooling effects should cease. It is a significant and decisive distinction between the current and the grid-based cosmic model. The grid model predicts a quick temperature drop after the Big Bang and a slower cooling period, which tends towards a non-zero value. Experimental evidence can confirm, or refute this pattern and the grid model.

The grid model even suggests a mechanism for the quick galaxy creation. Our current theories cannot explain how the galaxies could form in that early period of the universe, what we can see by observing the space. In the grid model, the universe is a closed structure. When matter forms from energy in the energy-rich period, this process lowers the available free energy in places, where the matter is created. The local energy consumption creates energy gradients in the neighborhood, and hence pressure gradients around the low free energy places. The pressure differences can act as an extra force, a sucking effect, additionally to the gravity, to form islands of matter. The concentrating effect would work much more effectively than if only gravity would be present. The requirement for this effect to be present, is the closed system, the grid field. This effect could not prevail in an open space model like the current Big Bang model is.


Our space exists in three dimensions. Many of our physical laws built on this foundation. However, new theoretical approaches, like string theory suggest, even require that space exists on more than three dimensions. According to these theories, the extra dimensions have a small physical size, unnoticeable by us. This approach raises questions, like how and why three dimensions are separated from the others and became extended, still the remaining stayed small. Even question is that why three and not less or more. The current speculative multiverse model offers models to the extra dimensions, yet that multiverse models are too permissive like anything can be and anything can happen and we are there where we can be, where the circumstances are right.

The grid model suggests a different approach to the required extra dimensions and suggests an explanation of the three dimensions.

According to the grid model, space is a grid field, built on a solid structure of the grid particles. Standard particles, the matter is synchronous vibration patterns of the adjacent grid particles, standing or moving waves. These are stable, permanent structures. These stable structures can exist only in three dimensions. In less or more dimensions, these structures would not be stable, could not exist permanently. The three-dimensional grid field let stable, three-dimensional structures to exist.

However, a Theory of Everything almost sure would require extra space dimensions to explain the properties of the standard particles and their behaviors. The grid model applies this extra-dimensional requirement as freedom levels. Space, the grid field is three-dimensional allowing three-dimensional structures, but the grid particles' vibration has extra freedoms. They could vibrate in more freedom what the only three dimensions would allow. It is not necessary to mean that extra freedom levels exist as extra dimensions. They are local extra freedoms of the vibrating grid particles. Space is three-dimensional, the extra freedom appears locally only for the individual grid particles. This setting would explain the three-dimensionality of the space and make the experienced physical properties possible.


Time is an essential property of our physical reality. Time shows up in many of our physical laws. According to the relativity theory, time is a dimension added to the space dimensions, and everything exists in the four-dimensional space-time. Well established and thoroughly confirmed theories built on this space-time model. However, fundamentally we do not know what time is.

The grid model offers a different approach to the existence of the time. According to the grid model, time, as physical reality does not exist (see the label time). Time is a derived property, similar to the entropy. The grid model's approach to the time is that the time, what it is meant to us, is a derivation of the looping waves, what the particles are. The grid model approach is able to explain how the time emerges on the grid field as a derived reality, as we experience it, and furthermore, as the relativity theory describes it. The grid model explains how the time emerges as a property from the fundament of the movement of the loops, explains the origin of the speed limit, and explains why it is unreachable for the matter. The grid model is able to explain the origin of the time.

Final thoughts 

Even if it is a sobering thought, that our universe might exist on a solid structure, and the grid model may be an able-to-work-out theory, it still leaves out open questions. Some of them are the origin of the grid field, its dimensionality, the grid particles properties, behavior, and origin. Other integrative theories like the string theory and the loop quantum gravity theory have similar questions, but less generality than the grid model. An interesting aspect, that the grid model can be viewed as an integrative model of the two mentioned theories.

The grid approach might not be the right description of our universe. However, universes, similar to ours, might be created on the grid model's fundament. Maybe once we will be able to create a system, a grid field, and we will be able to create universes. We could be the creator of a universe, which creates self-aware consciousness once.

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