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Zero energy universe - a consequence of the grid model

The zero-energy universe hypothesis proposes that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero: its amount of positive ene...

The zero-energy universe hypothesis proposes that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero: its amount of positive energy in the form of matter is exactly canceled out by its negative energy in the form of gravity.

It can be shown that this hypothesis is a consequence of the grid model.

According to the grid model, our universe exists on a grid field, which consists of an ordered structure of particles. The structure is the grid, and the particles are the grid particles. This arrangement is the empty space, where only the space energy is present, the energy, which bounds the grid particles together. If no matter is present, the grid structure is evenly ordered, symmetric. Only the grid particles' vibrations affect the structure. The space energy is present everywhere, provides a platform of energy level, the baseline, the zero energy. This space energy, the binding energy of the grid particles correspond to the vacuum energy

Our regular matter, the particles exist on this grid structure. The normal, everyday matter, bosons, and fermions are waves on this structure as manifestations of synchronized vibrations of the grid particles. The local synchronously vibrating grid particles - when the grid particles vibration become synchronous, the binding energy prevails more - occupy less space, the synchronization contracts the grid field, cause distortion on the grid field.

An interesting aspect of the grid model is that the particles do not have their own energy. The energy, which represents a regular particle, is the relative, local unbalance of the binding energy of the grid particles caused by the synchronous vibration. The grid model's other natural consequence is that the universe is flat if no matter is present.

The synchronized vibrations, the manifestation of a particle cause a local relative energy difference on the grid field. This local energy difference is what we call the energy of the particle.

The synchronous vibration distorts the grid field. This distortion of the grid field is what we call gravity, the structure of the space.

The particles' energy and the distortion of the space, the matter, and the gravity are the cause and effect in the grid model, and they are equivalent in a factor-of-proportionality. The zero-energy hypothesis is a consequence of the model.

In addition, general relativity demonstrates that other kinds of energy than particles energy can affect gravity. The grid model is a natural explanation of this extension as these different energy manifestations directly affect the grid field structure, i.e., cause gravity. The grid model's consequence too, that every kind of synchronous vibration, every kind of particles, like photons cause gravity.

The grid model is described in different thoughts, a summary of the grid model can be found here.

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