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The physics biggest mistake - maybe two things act like one

One of the biggest unresolved physics mysteries is the physics biggest mismatch also. The discrepancy is so huge that only mathematically...

One of the biggest unresolved physics mysteries is the physics biggest mismatch also. The discrepancy is so huge that only mathematically can be described. Our imagination cannot comprehend the numbers.

The subject is the space, the empty space, where no regular matter is present. We may call this space, where nothing is there, empty, but we already know much more about this space and its emptiness.

We know, it has structure, we call it space-time. The matter and the matter related energy exist in this space-time.  The regular matter and energy can influence the space-time, as it influences back. When no matter and matter-related energy is present, it is flat. When something, matter, or energy is present, it is distorted. We called it curved. The distorted space reacts back and defines how the regular matter and energy can move in the space. Space has a structure according to the general theory of relativity, which precisely describes the structure and its relationship to the matter.

Measurements showed, space is stretching, and this stretch drags everything with it that is in the space. Our universe is expanding. The expansion, which is originated to the Big Bang, should slow down because of gravity. However, recent discovery showed, the expansion does not slow down instead it is accelerating. A kind of energy is present in the space, which is not available for us, but it is present everywhere. To be able to create the expansion of the whole universe, this energy must be the biggest portion of our universe. This space energy is called the cosmological constant. Because this energy is not directly reachable by us, we know very little about its nature. This is why it is called dark energy.

To create the measured acceleration, roughly 68% of the universe must be this dark energy. The density of dark energy (~ 7×10−30 g/cm3) is very low on average, but because it is everywhere, it dominates our universe.

There is another kind of approach to the emptiness, and it is even weirder than the structure of it. This empty space is a field of the quantum, and it is called the vacuum. The vacuum emptiness is a turbulent place where continuously happens something. Particles emerge and vanish in the vacuum without becoming an ordinary matter. Their virtual existence is real, it can be measured, yet they are not part of our ordinary world. They must vanish before they could become ordinary matter, just to reborn again. The empty space, the vacuum has properties created by this turbulence what is called quantum foam. This turbulence represents energy as well, called vacuum energy. This energy also unavailable to us directly, yet must be present.

Quantum field theory and calculations suggest the value of this energy is around 1x10+113 joules per cubic meter. It corresponds to a mass density of about 10+96 kilograms per cubic meter! It is extremely huge, an unimaginably huge number.

Both general relativity theory and the quantum theory claim the space. However, as we can see, these two claims are irreconcilable with each other. The physics biggest mistake is rooted in this incompatibility. The difference between the two calculations is so huge that they cannot describe the same thing, the empty space. It is the space-energy problem.

What is if these two approaches describe the empty space from two different aspects? What if these two descriptions are valid calculations of the empty space, but they are calculating different aspects of the space. The question is: how could two different space energy exist for one empty space? The grid model may provide an answer to that question.

According to the grid model, space itself is a kind of consistency. It consists of the regularly ordered structure of particles. The structure is the grid, and the particles are the grid particles. This arrangement would be the empty space. Our regular matter and energy exist on this structure. The normal, everyday matter, bosons, and fermions are waves on this structure as manifestations of synchronized vibrations of the grid particles. The grid model is described in different thoughts, a summary of the grid model can be found here.

How are our today's two different space descriptions - what lead to the physics biggest discrepancy - could be manifested in the grid model? What explanation can the grid model suggest to the two approaches of the energy of the empty space?

According to the grid model, the grid particles are in a grid-like layout. It is a solid structure. The grid particles are fixed to their place in the grid. If no synchronized vibration, so no regular matter is present, then it is symmetric, a flat-like structure. The grid particles are bounded to their place by the grid's bound-energy. This bound-energy defines how strongly the grid particles are bounded to their place, how much energy needed to dislocate them from the place of their equilibrium. This could be the vacuum energy with the magnitude of what the calculation of the quantum field theory provides.

The grid structure is solid, so the grid particles cannot leave their neighborhood, but they can vibrate in their place spontaneously. Considering the magnitude of the bound energy, this spontaneous but unsynchronized vibration can produce the vacuum foam effect, the spontaneous born, and reborn of the virtual particles.

What happens, if a global effect, like the Big Bang, occurs in this solid structure? According to the grid model, space itself did not born in the Big Bang. The grid structure existed before it. The Big Bang is a phase transformation of the grid structure. A global phase transformation can releases energy globally (that would be the Big Bang). If the released energy is small compared to the bounding energy, it cannot affect the structure of the grid, but it can affect the average distance of the grid particles. Because of the released energy, a global expansion could take place. If this released energy becomes converted to something, like matter, the energy cannot work against the bounding energy of the grid structure anymore, and the grid would contract. However, because the grid structure behaves as a strongly bounded solid material, it could behave flexibly to this expansion and contraction. It could vibrate as a whole; it could contract and expand globally. Yet, this global torsion must be a small effect locally because the bound energy is strong. According to the hypothetical physical parameters of the grid structure, this vibration could produce a global cosmological constant.

Because the cause of the cosmological constant would be a global vibration, the expansion is just a phase of the vibrating structure. The expansion would not be present all the time, and it must change in time. Today's observed accelerating expansion of the universe shows that the acceleration had a beginning. According to the accepted explanation, because new space created in the expansion, and because space has energy, the constant amount of existing matter cannot compensate the growing space energy, the space energy overpowers the gravity and the expansion became exponentially accelerating. This kind of space expansion is speculative (a thought is about the debate of how space can expand). If we would know the exact pattern of the universe's changing expansion, the measurement could distinguish between the existing and the grid model.

In summary, the grid model may be able to provide an answer to the physics biggest discrepancy, to the space energy problem, as it can demonstrate that they can be two different things, which are looks one. Yet, the grid model is a hypothetical model of the universe. Precise measurements of the expansion of the universe according to the time could support or may deny the grid model.

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