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Uncertainty, maximum speed, entropy - cause or effect and the philosophical approach

Uncertainty in the quantum theory, maximum speed in the relativity theory, entropy in the thermodynamic are the driving force of the uni...

Uncertainty in the quantum theory, maximum speed in the relativity theory, entropy in the thermodynamic are the driving force of the universe, fundamentals how we see our physical world. Scientist frequently associates philosophical meanings to these fundamental physical concepts associating how much we can know about our world, what is reachable and unreachable for us in our universe and to where everything is going and will sometimes become. These concepts are fundamental laws, driving and limiting our physical world and give perspectives about what is possible and impossible in our universe. Because these concepts are limitations, this is why we associate these with philosophical meanings and think about it as fundamentals.

These are fundamentals, however not primary laws. Our physical world not built on these. These are effects instead of causes. These are the consequences of how and what from our universe has been constructed up. The distinction between the cause and effect is necessary if we want to associate meanings with these concepts.

We really cannot know our physical world with any accuracy, and this limits our knowledge about physical reality. However, this limit of knowledge is the effect of how big the particles are and how these particles behave. Would we be surprised if we cannot measure precisely our car's speed using another similar car or maybe tracks if we have only those for measuring by bumping them together? Should we associate this limit of knowledge with philosophical meaning about the world of cars? On the other hand, we would just accept the fact that the world built this way and we do not have better tools for measurements. Simply because just not exist.

Of course, the 'why not exist' can be a philosophical question. But maybe it won't. It is easier to accept the limitation, the effect of a deeper cause if we know the apparent reason. (In the quantum theory the uncertainty is a theoretical limit and not a limit of capability, however, if uncertainty is an effect and not the cause, then this theoretical statement cannot stand, but must be changed to another what is based on the cause.)

A similar thing can be said about the maximum speed limit and its philosophical consequences. Of course, we cannot have or get information from specific parts of our universe, these areas of space and time unreachable parts of our universe. We may associate philosophical meanings to this fact. However, this is just a consequence of how our universe was built up. The maximum speed limit is an effect, and this way not fundamental, not even if we associate philosophical meaning to it.

The entropy is falling into this category as well. Entropy is one of the most important and influential concepts of the physical world because it gives the direction of the happenings, provides special meanings to the time as gives direction to it. This way it is an easy prey of the philosophical approach and implications. However, if we consider that entropy is a natural consequence of the behavior of the complex systems, then many or most of the things around us even the whole universe in its current state are falling to this type of complex system. We should not be surprised or even should not give philosophical meanings to the entropy. It is just an experience-able effect of the natural behavior of this type of complex systems. We may associate this with philosophical meanings but should not exchange the cause with the effect. Not the entropy is the driving force but the behavior of the complex system. This way the entropy does not even exist as a real physical entity. It is a concept, a description without self-existence.

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