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The knowledge of God - the ultimate use of the consciousness

Extension of the consciousness - the God's way We don't know too much about consciousness. We only guess how it's work...

Extension of the consciousness - the God's way

We don't know too much about consciousness. We only guess how it's working, how is it created or even what it is. If we would know all of these, we probably still wouldn't know the ultimate use of the consciousness, how to extend it to another consciousness.

The extension of consciousness means that I am capable of using somebody's consciousness as my consciousness. This means that my subjective experience is extended to somebody other's subjective experience as if he or she would be me. That would be the ultimate use of consciousness. Is it possible? 

We don't know the answer. But it may be possible because we can read about it. In the Bible.

We can read it in the Bible that God is capable of knowing everything about us. What we are thinking, what we want, what are our secret desires. And all of these even before we know about it. How is it possible? All we can do to know other's consciousness is to observe somebody else's behavior and only we would have only guesses about this kind of thing. But this is not the direct way to observe consciousness. What we can read it in the Bible, God knows the direct way. He knows our consciousness. He knows everything about us. He is capable of extending his consciousness to our consciousness. This is the only way to know everything about us.

This is God's way.

And if He can observe our consciousness, maybe He can manipulate it at his will. And we can call this kind of people as prophets. And maybe the two consciousnesses can mutually interact in both ways instead of one way. How could we call this person related this way to God? He is the son of God.

But only God is capable of having this knowledge? No. If consciousness is a phenomenon of the natural brain, then we can have this knowledge. And scientists are already working on it. This is another area where we can be God.

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