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Two type of god - information

In another post, I discussed the two types of god from the creation point of view. Now I would like to discuss the two kinds of god from...

In another post, I discussed the two types of god from the creation point of view. Now I would like to discuss the two kinds of god from a different point of view: information.

In the other post, I pointed out that the mind and equally the spirit exist only on physical stuff. I described the mind as an information representation of a physical matter. In our world, in our universe the information, the mind can not exist without the matter. But to transfer a mind theoretically could be possible between different physical stuff. If it is indeed possible, it would be godly property because it would mean immortality. 

The mind, the spirit could exist on a different matter and could be transferred between them. Of course, the matter must be capable of holding and able to work according to the information which is represented on it, but it still looks a flexible requisite, and maybe many kinds of matter able to do this. This kind of god would be the material god because requires matter to exist.

The other kind of god would be if the existence of the information would not require the matter to exist. Then it would be possible to exist the immaterial god which existence does not need matter.  It looks like in our universe the information always represented on physical matter, so if this type of god could exist, then this god could exist outside of our universe. He would be the ultimate god.

I can not see any principle of how the information could exist without a physical representation, but I would not dare to declare that it is impossible. Maybe it exists only outside of our universe. Or could exist inside of it too?

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